
Exceptional (E)

  • Demonstrates mature, seasoned judgment
  • Examines different sides of situations prior to making a decision
  • Has clear understanding of the implications of decisions
  • Shows exceptional judgment in the most difficult situations
  • Excels at balancing risk and reward
  • A thorough, thoughtful analyst of complicated scenarios
  • Recognizes similarities among situations and appropriately addresses them
  • Thorough in analyzing and developing solutions
  • Analyzes problems thoroughly and takes appropriate action
  • Understands when a problem warrants solving
  • Usually makes recommendations when a problem surfaces
  • Develops alternative solutions to problems
  • Plans ahead for possible problems

Successful (S)

  • Makes decisions based on facts and interests of the department/school/university
  • Shows clear judgment in resolving conflict
  • Elevates customer’s concerns to supervisor, appropriately
  • Demonstrates satisfactory problem-solving skills
  • Analyzes facts, information, and evidence logically
  • Solutions to problems go beyond surface causes
  • Recommends solutions to problems
  • Sometimes will anticipate problems
  • Uses good judgment and information in solving problems

Learning Curve (LC)

  • Displays ability to make sound decisions given short time in position or with new responsibility
  • Ask questions to gather adequate information to exercise clear judgment
  • Engages in learning organization goals and interests to make correct and appropriate decisions
  • Displays ability to solve problems by gathering information and asking questions

Needs Development (ND)

  • Sometimes shows poor judgment in dealing with his/her staff or coworkers
  • Needs to “consider the source” more when judging situations
  • Needs to strengthen situational awareness
  • Generates solutions that don’t always solve problems
  • Knows solutions but doesn’t recommend them
  • Fails to identify underlying or systemic problems
  • Fails to completely analyze problems
  • Does not recognize trends in recurring problems

Unsatisfactory (U)

  • Lacks sound judgment on a number of critical occasions
  • Does not verify information before forming judgments
  • Has shown poor judgment in a number of interactions
  • Poor decisions resulted in lowered group performance
  • Has insufficient problem-solving skills
  • Weak problem-analysis skills
  • Solutions address only surface problems
  • Finds problems but doesn’t solve them
  • Does not generate solutions for problems
  • Let’s others find and fix problems