Job Knowledge/Quality of Work

Exceptional (E)

  • Output quality makes it easy for others to do their jobs
  • Focuses on continually improving quality
  • Work is exceptional and always without error
  • Takes initiative to implement procedures to prevent errors/improve efficiency
  • Consistently receives praise for work quality
  • Other employees use his/her work as model
  • Customers regularly send commendations about work

Successful (S)

  • Work is completed on time and almost always error free
  • Quality of work meets standards
  • Makes use of quality improvement techniques
  • Works well with other employees to ensure quality

Learning Curve (LC)

  • Minimal errors given new responsibilities or process
  • Quality of work is on target while still learning
  • Frequently asks questions to further understand processes to reduce errors

Needs Development (ND)

  • Employees complain about quality of his/her work
  • Mistakes caused work delays or stops on _#_ occasions
  • Does not pay enough attention to quality issues
  • Needs to focus on reducing error rate
  • Needs to apply training received to improve quality of outputs

Unsatisfactory (U)

  • Errors caused others work to be impeded or work had to be redone
  • Errors resulted in complaints
  • Does not understand how to improve quality of work product
  • Quality is not a priority
  • Fails to implement suggestions for improving quality